Creating detail callouts


Tool set

Detail Callout


Use the Detail Callout tool to mark an area on the drawing and indicate the location of the detail drawing for it.

In Design Suite products, a detail callout can be linked to a viewport. If the detail callout was used to create the viewport it's linked to, it also "defines" the viewport, which means that moving or reshaping the detail callout can affect the viewport. Detail callouts also have the following functionality.

Create a detail viewport from an unlinked detail callout.

Link a detail callout to an existing viewport, for annotation purposes.

Sync the detail callout’s drawing title, drawing number, and sheet number with the linked viewport.





Creates an oval detail callout using Box mode; see Creating ovals


Creates a rectangular detail callout using Corner to Corner mode; see Creating rectangles 

Rounded Rectangular

Creates a rounded rectangular detail callout using Proportional or Symmetrical mode; see Creating rounded rectangles


Creates a polyline detail callout using one of six polyline creation options

Rounded Rectangle Symmetrical

Click to draw a rounded rectangular detail callout with symmetrical corners; enter the desired Fillet Radius

Rounded Rectangle Proportional

Click to draw a rounded rectangular detail callout with proportional corners

Polyline creation options

Select one of six types of control points for the vertices of the polyline; see Creating polylines.

The Fillet Radius value for Arc Vertex Polyline mode is independent of the Fillet Radius value for Symmetrical Rounded Rectangle mode.

Fillet Radius

Enter the corner radius for a rounded rectangular detail callout using Symmetrical mode


Opens the Resource Selector to select a detail callout for placement; double-click a resource to activate it


Sets the default parameters for the tool

To insert a detail callout:

Click the tool and mode.

Do one of the following:

Click Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters.

The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Replace the current style with one from the Resource Selector, or use the unstyled option

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the properties dialog box or Object Info palette

Linked Viewport

Specifies which viewport the callout is linked to.

If a viewport is displayed here but it cannot be edited, this marker also defines the viewport (Design Suite product required). See Editing detail callouts for details about how to move or reshape the marker without affecting the viewport.

If a viewport is displayed and editable, this marker is linked to the viewport but doesn't define it.

When the Display broken link indicators for smart markers Vectorworks preference is enabled, unlinked markers display a red broken link icon (see Vectorworks preferences: Display pane); the icon does not print.

If you delete the linked viewport, you can specify whether to delete linked markers or leave the unlinked markers in place.


For a callout linked to a viewport, automatically displays the Drawing Title, Drawing Number, and Sheet Number of the viewport in the callout’s marker. If the callout defines a detail viewport (Design Suite product required), deselect to enter this information manually.

Drawing Title/Drawing Number/ Sheet Number

Identifies the viewport the callout references. If the callout is not linked to a viewport, or if Auto-coordinate is deselected, enter the information manually. Otherwise, the information from the linked viewport is used.


Optional text that can be displayed in the marker layout

Shoulder Length

The distance from the shoulder point of the leader line to the center of the marker

Marker Angle

The angle of the marker; 0 degrees is horizontal

Marker Position

The position of the marker and leader line relative to the callout object

Horizontal Position

The position of the marker relative to the leader line

Leader Attributes

Opens the Leader Attributes dialog box to set the Style, Color, and Thickness of the leader line

Marker Scale Factor

Scales the marker larger or smaller by the factor specified

Click a drawing mode from the Tool bar, and do one of the following:

For a detail callout in the shape of an oval, rectangle, or rounded rectangle, click to begin the shape, and then click to complete the shape and create the detail callout.

For a polyline detail callout, click to begin the polyline, and then click to set each polyline vertex. Click the start point (for a closed polyline) or simply double-click to complete the polyline and create the detail callout.

Editing detail callouts

Once a detail callout is in the drawing, you can edit it from the Object Info palette. The following additional options are available when editing detail callouts.



Style list options

Replace: Applies a different style to this object

Convert to Unstyled: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for this object only

Edit Style: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for all objects in the drawing that use the current style

See Creating styles for markers and drawing labels for details.

Create Detail Viewport

(Design Suite product required)

For a marker that is not already linked to a viewport, opens a dialog box to create a detail viewport (see Creating detail viewports)

Navigate to Viewport

(Design Suite product required)

For a marker that is linked to a viewport, navigates to the viewport

Edit Marker Layout

(unstyled markers)

Opens an editing window to change the geometry and text in the marker; see Creating styles for markers and drawing labels

Vertex-based object controls

See Editing vertex-based objects

You can also adjust the shape or location of the detail callout object. If there are multiple instances of the detail callout, all instances are updated.

If the marker defines a viewport (Design Suite product required), moving or reshaping the marker can affect the viewport. To edit the marker but avoid viewport changes, select Edit > Cut to cut the existing marker, and then select Edit > Paste In Place to paste a new linked marker into the drawing. The new marker doesn't define the viewport, so you can edit the marker as needed.

The Reshape tool has two reshape modes for both oval and rounded rectangular detail callout markers. To reshape an oval marker, click Polyline or Oval mode from the Tool bar. To reshape a rounded rectangular marker, click Polyline or Rounded Rectangle mode. (See 2D reshape modes.)

Creating detail viewports


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